[ [ . c a t e g o r i z e . o r g a n i z e . s i m p l i f y . ] ]



[Artist Statement]

Organization of Traffic. The pathway to our destination.

In preparation for this project, I found a re-occurring theme of traffic in my blog posts.
I found that the organization of traffic can be as obvious as intersections and traffic lights.. and as obscure as the traffic of objects.
These ideas of traffic, pathway, and destination in reality is depicted in my photographs.


I also found interest in playing with the idea of internet traffic.
Traffic also exists in the online world.

In reality, the lanes on the road restricts the traffic of cars. Hallways, stairways, and sidewalks restrict the traffic of humans.
In the online world, links restrict the traffic of online users.
I played with this idea in my blog by using links to mimic hallways, sidewalks, and roads.

In reality, humans make decisions (which direction to go) to get to their destination.
Online, I mimic-ed this; in order to reach the viewer's destination, the viewer must make decisions (which link to click) to get to their ultimate destination, which would be my artwork. If vistors get lost in my blog and are unable to navigate to their destination, they would become confused and frustrated, similar to reality.

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